Wednesday, November 4, 2015

WEDIN Day 4: Mockingjay Part 2 and Having Nothing to Do

Today has been been a pretty boring day. I don't have much to write about, but I'll try anyway. I have been tired all day and I'm pretty sure it's because of the weather. It's cold and it feels like perfect weather to just stay inside and be home. But then there's school.  I didn't get home until 7:30 (yay for volunteering) and all I wanted to do was just curl into a ball and not have to do anything for a long while- that didn't happen. It's also 9:30 right now and I still have to shower. I feel like I'm forgetting to some assignment and not liking it. I think I've been slightly panicky all day, but I'm so tired that I laugh at everything, so that's helping hide it. I just stress very much before all tests and project due dates, so having multiple tests and projects coming up is scary. I'm getting nervous about all these little things. For example, I'm very scared of my upcoming English test because having to write an essay with a time limit makes me feel like throwing up. (Sorry for that image- didn't really know how else to describe it.) Also, I have a history project that although I think I'll do fine on, I'm imagining everyone having some grand masterpiece and that, of course, mine will suck. Okay, I need to go back to positive thoughts and just stop thinking.

*This paragraph contains some spoilers about Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.*
MOCKINGJAY PART TWO!!!!!!! I'm so excited that I want to just scream. I know I will cry very much, because all the characters I love die. What is with authors and this intense killing of great people in last books. At least J.K. Rowling spread out the sad death. (There was a lot of death in the last book, but that was expected.) Anyway... Francis Lawrence, the director of Catching Fire and both Mockingjay movies, has done such a good job with the past two movies that I just can't help but feel so excited for this finale. Especially because it comes out this months. THIS MONTH!!!! I loved the Hunger Games trilogy so much and I don't think any of the moves has been a bad adaptation. There are always going to be things I'd like to change, but they are still really good. (Better than Percy Jackson.) I'm 99% sure my friend Angie, same one from my first post, and I will see it together. I've always said that this movie would be the most different from the book because there are some ways that characters die that seem to gory for a PG-13 movie. For example, when that character gets his flesh melted off like a candle. It isn't a very huge part of the plot, but I think it adds to feeling of hatred towards the Capitol.
From this very interesting Forbes article

So today's post is kind of all over the place. When I asked for ideas on what to write, I was told to write about how I have nothing to write about- so I did. Tomorrow's post will be better because I hope to get out of this bleh mood by then. (My vocabulary is not developed enough to know an actual word to describe how "bleh" feels. It's all I have for now.) I might write about something deep and opinionated or another review of sorts. We shall see what the day brings.

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