Friday, November 20, 2015

WEDIN Day 20: Books

I realized yesterday that although I've talked about my love of books so much, I've never done a post on it.

I think that I loved books so much when I was younger because they could take me to another world. (That's still why I love them today.) It's so much fun to be absorbed into a world so different from mine and to try to learn every little bit about it. Also, the characters start to feel like friends because you get to see what they feel and, if it's in first person, they're talking to you.

Everyone that knows me, will know that I'm always reading. Even now I still feel like I'm being transported to a new world when I read. I think that's also why I love to reread books. It's so much fun to explore my favorite world and characters again. And you never remember all the details, so it's never exactly the same.

I've never been very into nonfiction and I think that's because they always get a little boring to me. I have read some nonfiction books and they haven't been bad but never my favorite. I enjoy all kinds of fiction, even historical fiction, but I can never get into nonfiction.

My love for books will never end and I know I'll always be excited to discover a new book.

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